Go Climb a Rock

Go Climb a Rock

Looking for a new way to test your fitness, or a place to try out your new Spiderman Underoos? Look no further than Woburn! Boston Rock Gym offers rock climbing for people of all ages and skill levels – especially those who don’t exactly find sweating outdoors a joy.


Boston Rock Gym provides a challenging indoor environment for anyone wanting to learn the ropes (literally!). A three-hour instructional course, offered in both group and individual sessions, teaches all the basics of rock climbing. If you’re feeling a little less novice and a little more daring, they also provide instruction for more advanced climbers.


If nature is indeed calling, and you’d like to take your skills into the great outdoors, then try on their Intro to Outdoor Climbing class. They’ve also got enough courses to whet your whistle with things like Intro to Sport Climbing or Intro to Multi Pitch Climbing. Whatever your needs may be, Boston Rock Gym’s got your back.


The Gym uses NuSchool climbing technique courses designed for both beginner and experienced climbers. The curriculum is especially successful in helping climbers, who are frustrated with performance plateau, break current barriers and reach new heights. Once you’ve taken the Basic Technique course, you can test out to start higher level courses.


Classes must be booked in advance as space is limited. For more information, check them out: http://www.bostonrockgym.com/